As we are lighting up our Collective Humanity’s Nervous System the initial collections are honouring the pioneering intentions of the very first people who started to collectively share their hearts as an expanded form of deep communication.
Apparently life on Earth has a common ancestor. Science named it Last Universal Common Ancestor and it is a little younger than the Moon.
Nobody knows what sparkled the first chain reaction. ​ Maybe it was about a form of frequency synchronicity of some molecule strains which was able to maintain itself long and coherently enough to allow other forms of “near life” to pick up the rhythm.
Being visually exposed to an authentic heart vibrating experience coming from real people’s experiences, models our plastic nervous systems to become more sensitive to the hidden patterns of deep heart communication. Similarly to how people learn english after sufficient watching of TV series, understanding hearts' “subtitles”, subconsciously train ourselves into authentic deep communication.


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