
This artwork is from the “LABYRINTH_silent Stills” series. View other artworks

Within the mesmerizing depths of LABYRINTH_SILENTFX project by cc2, a collection LABYRINTH_silent Stills of 15 stills emerges, capturing the fleeting beauty of a transformative journey. Each sonically generated still, a unique work, available as an edition 1 out of 1, embodies a fragment of the intricate dance between light, shadow, and sound orchestrated in the outdoor expanse of the Hotel Continental, Berlin. Commissioned by Platoon for 'Art Space in Exile,' these images serve as silent witnesses to a labyrinthine experience designed to support artists from Ukraine and other war-torn regions. Whether it's the ethereal play of fog and glow tape, the fleeting connections of lines and patterns, or the organic presence of the Marañas interacting with the visual and auditory landscape, each still invites the viewer into a moment of profound contemplation. As part of a larger narrative, these works encapsulate the journey through the labyrinth's three stages: entering (part 1), finding the center (part 2), and returning to the beginning (part 3), offering a glimpse into an immersive art installation that blends technology, nature, and human interaction.

This collection is a part of the larger LABYRINTH_SILENTFX project by cc2, consisting of this collection of 15 unique stills and another collection of 3 video works that these stills derive from.

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