Specimen 07

Specimen 07, an artwork by Jonathan Armour, a part of the Skinterface collection, contemplates the human mind and its spatial and abstract manifestations following dialogues about mental health. This artwork merges and mutates physical forms to visualize mental landscapes, reminiscent of Rorschach diagrams, enabling personal and psychological interpretations.

Specimen 07 won the Nottingham Trent University x Vieunite 2022 Art Prize. “The first prize is awarded to a time-based digital work that deals with the entanglement of technology, human perception, and nature. In this richly evocative work, the leaf- covered Green Man of medieval worship appears in forms that recall cutting-edge medical imaging, only to give way to other forms of life and landscape. It is as though a history of the mind has been folded out to form a digital undergrowth from which other forms emerge. In this way, the work seems to deal with what is sometimes called “thick- time”, an embodied layering of the past, the present, and the future, as modern technology, the natural world, the mind, and the body become entwined. The judging panel was impressed by the intensity of experiencing this work, as well as by the pressingly contemporary nature of the themes and manner of execution.” - Quote from Benedict Carpenter van Barthold, Principal Lecturer in Fine Art at NTU, chair of the judging panel.


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