Phenomenon: RGB

Phenomenon: RGB

A group exhibition presented by CALM&PUNK Gallery at Laforet Harajuku examines the impact of the RGB screen on contemporary culture.

Phenomenon: RGB begins on 23 February and ends on 11 March. Practitioners from the fields of art, design and fashion have been invited to explore the profound influence of the screen, whose RGB glow lights up millions of patches of the world at a given moment, on the world and the way we live in it.

Yoshi Sodeoka

Natalia Stuyk

Three beams of light - red, green, and blue - in a multitude of intensities and combinations - enable us to see the world around us, to build images of our surroundings. These images have immense power as devices for communication, while our visual interpretation of the world provides unquantifiable richness and inspiration, moment-by-moment. Screen based communications harness something of this richness, reducing the complexity of the world as it is before our eyes process it, while still close enough to the human eye’s processing time to transfix and transport us in ‘real time’. RGB processing, and its harnessing via screens, can be called an externalisation of the mind, or a captivating subjugation of minds.

Asako Fujikura

Phenomenon: RGB explores the forms and paths created by RGB harnessing techniques while also considering how colour processing impacts perception, philosophy and politics. The exhibition features multiple screen based works by Yoshi Sodeoka, MSHR, Sabrina Ratté, Natalia Stuyk, Kim Laughton and Asako Fujikura. Also on display are large scale installation works by Jonathan Zawada, YOSHIROTTEN and Midori Kawano. The GASBOOK artist monograph series, including recent releases featuring YOSHIROTTEN, Midori Kawano and Jonathan Zawada, will be available to purchase alongside the exhibition.


Phenomenon: RGB is at Laforet Museum Harajuku, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Jingumae 1-11-6 Laforet Harajuku 6F until 11 March 2019

Mentioned artists
Yoshi Sodeoka
Yoshi Sodeoka
Followers 324
Artworks 8

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