Night Blindness_01

Night Blindness_01 by Nick Fudge is a part of the Destruction of Appearance collection and specifically Apparitions of Appearance series.

Night Blindness_01 is a trompe l'oeil work meticulously constructed by hand using vectors in Adobe Illustrator v.5.0, which represents the Adobe Photoshop v.2.5 toolbox and palettes.

In Night Blindness_01, Fudge has constructed a beautifully minimal and austere grey-scale work that brings to the digital workspace a critical skepticism about the limits of a given language (pictorial, linguistic, etc.) that has a rich history in the visual and literary arts, e.g. Duchamp, Beckett, and Johns.

Night Blindness_01 is part of a wider collection of works that seek to make connections between digital workspaces and traditional art practices. For example, Night Blindness_01, is part of the Apparitions of Appearance series that focuses on exploring the philosophical and epistemological aspects of Jasper Johns' paintings from the 1960s, particularly in the broader context of digital materialism, digital imaging tools, and computational processes, etc.

Night Blindness_01 and the series to which it belongs have been constructed with an emphasis on the beauty of precision and an attitude of aesthetic indifference.


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