In Memoriam 04

In Memoriam 04 is taken from the series Flower For Theodore which delves into digital citizenship and group identity through the lens of playfulness. Based on the life of Loukanikos, a stray dog that became the icon of the Aganaktismenoi movement in Greece, this group of works explores the relationship between technology and social participation that emerged with this new social movement. Flower For Theodore pushes it further by incorporating notions of gamification, analytical gaming, and self-perception.

"Loukanikos has died. Our beloved dog, born Theodore, has left us peacefully while sleeping, as you all probably know or heard by now. He dedicated his whole life to us, selflessly, protecting us from the riot police during protests, but also from tear gas grenades during the numerous and inevitable confrontations. It is our turn now to come together and give a proper goodbye to the one that loved us more than we could have ever loved him. No need to bring anything, don’t worry we took care of everything, we just need you to come and help us make the final arrangements so we can place the final flowers for Theodore."


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