
Hydra is the first artwork in the Coups de Temps Collection by Darryl Rogers.

This collection continues a series of works that capture the dynamic flow of mountain rivers, passing landscapes, and meandering outback roads, transforming these scenes into time-based painterly canvases.

After recording the chaos of cascading water, eucalyptus-soaked vistas, and dusty red desert highways, each scene is then rendered as a sort of animated painting—a fusion of brush, colour, texture and time.

This process expands on the rhythmic dance in nature that exists perhaps eternally. Darryl merges these raw dynamic moments with evocative expression all undergirded by the history of art as a guiding principle.

Although created digitally, Darryl seeks to imbue each frame with human intention and emotion. The painterly effects combined with selected dynamic natural imagery in his work remains deeply individual, bridging the gap between innovation and tradition. Through this blend of technology and human creativity, I aim to affirm the irreplaceable richness of the human creative spirit.


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