Makoto Inoue is a Berlin-based techno producer, media artist and film director from Tokyo, Japan. Pursuing his particular minimalistic style, Inoue focuses on techno-style, abstract digital artworks.

Inoue started his creative career as an actor. In his 20’s he was featured in theatre plays, films and TV shows. The artist is fascinated by non-verbal performance, Mime. Inoue delivered his performances in more than 25 countries and he is awarded multiple international awards. Folktales or old stories are one of his main inspirations, Inoue’s major showpieces Kaguya and Dojoji are based on Japanese folk stories and Inoue reinterprets Shakespeare’s Richard III for the non-verbal theatre.

Since Inoue started to compose sounds for shows that he directed, he found the commonality between minimal techno music and Buddhist ideas. Buddhism is deeply rooted in his artistic practices, he tries to visualise the idea through digital media. In 2019, the artist moved to Berlin and began his career as a techno producer and media artist in earnest.

Inoue’s European debut album Wall EP (2019) was ranked 10th at Beatport. In 2020, he released European Labels, Eclipse Recordings and Gobsmacked Records in Berlin, Germany, Subwoofer Records and Insane Industry in Italy, and also released the Japanese Label Kyoto METRO. In early 2021, Inoue directed a short film I, me…. and awarded in a number of international film festivals. He also produced and directed the main event for the 160 anniversary of the diplomatic relationship between Japan and Germany with the Japanese embassy.

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