Micro Voyager Two 2

Micro Voyager Two 2 is part of a collection of six video artworks by Philip Clemo released on Sedition.

Philip Clemo revisits his extraordinary Micro Voyager series, creating imaginary planets on a microscopic scale.

This time he gets in really close. Clemo develops his mysterious cosmos using an assortment of inks, solvents, oils and household chemicals, in the tradition of 2001: A Space Odyssey & The Tree of Life. There is no digital effects used in the making of these works.

The complex, multi-layered, sound-design includes NASA data recordings from Voyager One, currently 23.3 billion km from Earth, the farthest away human-made object.

Imagery and sound-design by Philip Clemo, violin Lizzie McConkey, thanks to NASA.


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