Harry Edgar Palacio

Mount Kisco
Harry Edgar Palacio single straight male American celebrity: singer-songwriter, writer and artist. He performed with Grammy winners and Grammy nominated artists; with Ari Up of the Slits, ‘godmothers of punk’ and La Gran Mawon, featured in Remezcla. Performed at September Fest, NYC, & Paramount Theatre. He was included in an anthology featured in Remezcla; was a finalist for Fjords Review book competition, semi-finalist for Quartz Literary Fiction and Poetry, Grand Prix winner Hudson Valley MOCA & St. George literary contest. Harry has two books published by Finishing Line Press, as well being published in Bellevue Literary Review, Tule Review, Taint Taint Taint; he has a book forthcoming to be released by Atmosphere press. An award winning fine artist he exhibited at School of Visual Arts, Robeson Gallery & H-Art Gallery. Harry is an Ivy Leaguer; nephew of the Dominican Republic consulate. Harry has read 4,308 books in his lifetime. Top #26 reader in the United States of America; #49 reader globally as of 2022. He is a former WARY 88.1 college radio DJ; rock music director, an art teacher, ESL professor, ESL assistant teacher; international yoga teacher 200 RYT & yoga training instructor. Harry’s Guruji is Sri Dharma Mittra. He is second generation Osho lineage. Hāri meditated 103k minutes in his lifetime. He obtained his Master’s of Education from Manhattanville College. The New School University & Rolling Stone Magazine