I grew up in an ordinary Taiwanese family. After mother passed away when I was 19 years of age, drawing became a gateway to escape from sorrow and pain. For many years, continuous self-exploration and learning has allowed me to change my perspective of artistic creation towards the relation between “I” and “the world”. The content of my artwork is primarily to discuss human psychology and sociology while adding elements of dreams. Through persistent painting work, I have developed my own philosophy of life. My works are largely composed of points and lines. Each stroke guides the viewer through a journey of discovery and self-reflection. My ultimate desire is to provide the viewer an experience of “Déjà vu” and enable him or her to transform this feeling into a personal emotion. 我是生長在一個平凡小家庭的台灣人。青少年時期母親過世後,創作成為我脫離悲傷與痛苦的出口,多年下來,不斷的自我摸索與前進,面對創作產生了與當初不同的想法,主題轉為探討「我」與「世界」的關聯。 創作內容探討人類心理學與社會學,並且加入了夢的情節與元素,在不斷的繪畫動作中,建構屬於自己的人生觀點。大量的點跟線構成我的作品,每個筆觸都像是線索般引導觀者產生自我分析的途徑。期許觀者從我的作品感受到「既視感」,從似曾相識的片段中轉化出屬於自己的感動,這是我最希望的目的。