Hassan Christopher is an independent US artist currently based in Austin, TX where he runs Culture Bolt a community art lab, and develops his personal creative practice. For this practice, he explores mixed, multi and cross-disciplinary art making at the intersections of dance/choreography, photography, illustration/animation, collage and creative writing. Originally from Chicago, where he grew up dancing in the Deep House scene, his work often embodies an experimental, eclectic aesthetic reflective of underground dance club culture. From raw kinetic energy to romantic and humanist themes of connection, freedom, and rebellion he employs an irreverently experimental and intuitive approach to express his perception of essential/universal human experience. Above all, he is driven by a burning curiosity to discover and reveal new meanings and relationships between disparate things. Hassan was formally trained as a dancer in Chicago and then NYU where he studied dance and experimental theater before embarking on a 20 year career as a movement artist working in both the commercial sector and on the concert stage. As a choreographer, he’s earned numerous awards and nominations including the Lester Horton Innovator Award and an NACCP award for best stage choreography. Part of his choreographic practice is exploring the translation and application of movement design principles to other mediums. For him, movement is the great connector and universal language of everything.

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