Evolutionary Cosmos (Part I)

Art studio and production company fuse* introduce a new collection of six limited edition artworks titled Evolutionary Cosmos, launching in two parts exclusively for Sedition. The first part of the collection introduces three artworks: Energy and Matter, Anomalies and Forking Paths stemming from the digitally rendered landscapes of their recent audiovisual installation Multiverse, which aims to question the nature of our universe.

Behind the premise of the project is the theory that presumes the existence of a ‘multiverse’: a system composed of an infinite number of universes that coexist simultaneously outside of our space-time. During this process of generation of new universes, the free parameters of the physical laws are reprocessed and slightly changed. This leads to an evolutionary picture of the multiverse, where circumstances hospitable for life are seen as an offshoot of a self-organised process.

This fascinating collection exposes a moment in time with a particular set of parameters that also symbolise the uniqueness of our existence. Using sound design, light, darkness and motion, Evolutionary Cosmos presents a compelling series of audiovisual artworks that explore the interplay of science, sound and art.

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New artwork Enduring Seed by Stephan Duq is available.

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