
The Nudes Collection comprises two animated digital editions created exclusively for Sedition by the acclaimed artist and fashion designer Philip Colbert. The artworks focus on the Nude, exploring the classically popular theme in a contemporary context with the aim of challenging historic restrictions on the presentation and contemplation of the nude through pastiche and play.

"Pop has been playfully indulging for 50 years, so I paint larger beautiful ladies. They are more reflective of our contemporary pop culture dream." In his work, Colbert adds an abstracted backdrop of refined pop icons of consumer culture such as the tires and chips. He explains, "I love the graphic abstract purity of these symbols; they are globally recognisable and have the aesthetic power of minimalists such as Mondrian, yet the irreverent pop humour of the everyday; I love that balance. Also I feel these symbols are deeply connected to the modern sense of our bodies, and celebrate my contemporary nudes."

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