ANTITAIMWAIZ is a digital artwork by Ali Phi and is part of the MUELAQ collection.

A rotation is the circular movement of an object around a center of rotation. Two-dimensional rotation can occur in two possible directions. A clockwise motion is one that proceeds in the same direction as a clock’s hands. The opposite sense of rotation or revolution is anti-clockwise. In our isotropic [uniformity in all directions] world, humans have developed time as a conceptual limitation, organising it on timelines read from left to right. Any social acts which do not follow default markers of time and frequency are understood as different, anarchic, or progressive.

As we consider anti-clockwise rotations, such as Earth’s rotation, the spinning of planets, the solar system, hurricanes, meditative/spiritual movements, like a Sufi whirling, Muslim ritual of Tawaf, and golden spiral, we indirectly experience a sense of tranquility and calmness.

The work was developed based on processing the recorded brainwaves data of the artist through a 32-channel EEG scanner. The real-time patch generates and illustrates the motion of the brainwaves by listening to the different states of the artist's brain over time.

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