Dave Greber

New Orleans, Louisiana, United States

Staying Connected: In the Void, Special Blue Dot edition

Dave Greber’s new video, “Staying Connected: In the Void,” 2015, “tripping” is physicalized through a snippet from his recent journey along the Appalachian Trail. The four-minute piece is the first video Greber has made since he embarked on his “trip” seven months ago and it was created entirely on his smart phone. It functions as a modified video selfie of Greber walking through the woods while detailing his use of social media outlets such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr as a platform for his artwork in lieu of his physical presence in society.

“Staying Connected,” recalls this sensation while considering the relationship between the constructed world of the Internet and the nebulous space one enters when “off the grid.” Though he has managed to escape from most of the trappings of urban society over many months in the woods and essentially tap into yet another dimension, Greber has relied on social media to remain connected to this reality. As he reintegrates into civilization in the weeks ahead, the nuances of his journey may disappear, yet his transformation remains. Perhaps he will experience the ultimate afterimage of all seen and unseen in the void.

excerpt from "Dave Greber is Tripping”
by Amy Mackie
PARSE, New Orleans

Full text: http://www.parsenola.com/#!Dave-Greber-is-Tripping/colb/5638db5c0cf275e9c595a68f

Originally shown in "The Colour out of Space," curated by the Deltaworkers, 2015

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