"Murine cells were stained with fluorescent dyes to detect their internal skeleton, named cytoskeleton, and the structures by which the cells are in intimate contact with the external world, the focal adhesions. The technique to detect these objects is known as Immunostaining and is based on the use of specialized antibodies, which are able to recognize specific proteins. The image has been acquired using a fluorescent microscope (Olympus IX81) equipped with a 100x objective and a digital camera (Hamamatsu Orca Flash 4.0)."
The original image was glitched to alter the actual state of the image internal skeleton and the structures by which the pixels are together. The technic used for the glitch is called databending, a process by which it is possible, thanks to the use of various softwares not especially designed for image editing like hex editor and music softwares, to add, substitute or delete the fundamental binary data that constitutes a digital file. The image file format was converted and glitched in this sequence from a starting .jpg only to be converted again to a .jpg to be published online. The sequence is: .jpg > .rgb > .iff > .jpf > .aic > .raw > .psd > . rgb > .jpf > .jpg
The aim of this project is to put together a scientific research method like staining and a glitch art technic like databending as both have the goal of revealing the beauty of invisible universes to human eyes.
This work is a collaboration with Valeria Panzetta, Junior Postdoc.