Eugenia Lim

Fitzroy, Australia

Sunfade: a room of one's own

Digital image, dimensions variable, 2011. Sunfade: a room of one’s own was an installation work devised for one viewer/thinker/writer at a time, installed in Eugenia Lim's former studio. Boy, girl, woman, man, young, all were invited to write and reflect on the nature of work, independence and agency. Assorted faded images lined the room’s walls – photographs contributed by women from across the globe of their workspaces, sites of self-directed employment and/or creativity. Over twenty women (from Australia, Sweden, and England) answered the artist’s call-out for self-photographed images of their workspaces.

Inspired by the seminal essay "A Room of One’s Own" (1929) by Virginia Woolf, Eugenia sought to create a room where, for each viewer/thinker/writer, time and thought belong to them. A space where for as little or as long as they chose, their mind could be "incandescent, without distraction". Sunfade was installed as part of Melbourne International Arts Festival's "Place of Assembly", curated by Alice Glenn and Elizabeth Barnett, October 2012.

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