Sacrificial Mutilation and Death in Modern Art - Jackson Pollock

The brothers Jake and Dinos Chapman attended the prestigious Royal College of Art together in the early 1990s, and have been collaborating as artists ever since. Their works are often provocative, funny or macabre, and have included defacing prints by the celebrated Spanish Romantic artist Francisco Goya and embellishing authenticated watercolours by Adolf Hitler with hippy motifs. This exclusive work for s[edition], Jackson Pollock, derives from the 1990s video art piece Sacrificial Mutilation and Death in Modern Art, where different artists are portrayed as cartoon-like characters who meet a sticky, deadly end. Here, Abstract Expressionist painter Jackson Pollock haphazardly splashes and flicks paint onto the large-scale canvas, surrounded by empty alcohol bottles, only to then violently crash his toy car into a waiting tree. This work is part of a series entitled Sacrificial Mutilation and Death in Modern Art is available exclusively through Sedition.

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