Three Women (Unseen)

"“You’re not getting older, you’re getting better” – well, OK thanks, but I AM getting older. And the older I get the more I am reminded of my age, as the world gravitates towards the youthful shiny object (the 11-year-old YouTube millionaire!) as the expected gracious thanks for experience, wisdom and grit never arrives. Instead, I am greeted with messages about health plans, reverse mortgages, and erectile dysfunction.

As I mature, I gravitate towards the value and beauty of age as represented by how time enhances the sweetness of a phrase, reframes an image or alters the graceful gestures of a dancer while presenting soulfulness with greater richness and significance.

We look but we only see the surface. We are skeptical of trust, ignorant of know-how; caught by the eye-catching and fashionable; while what really matters remains largely unseen." - John Sanborn.

Three Women {Unseen) is a video artwork released as part of the ALWAYS | LAST | FOREVER collection by John Sanborn. Featuring Sarah Bush, Sue Li Jue, and Richelle Donegan. Music composed by Deirdre Gribbin; performed by Sarah Cahill. 6:13 | 2020


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