Juanjo Fernández Rivero



La Pietat # 1 (From the series Point Clouds)
Digital video 4K (4096x2160 60fps) 01:56 "minute loop.
(Note that this video should be better seen on 4K high resolution monitors)

In the series "Point Clouds", Juanjo Fernández Rivero (Barcelona 1974), explores the use of data and files from 3D laser scanners and photogrammetry.

"La Pietat" (taken from the original name) is a set of points representing three-dimensional coordinates in space (XYZ) and color values ​​(RGB) that, taken together, form a representation of Michelangelo's famous sculpture La Pietat.

The object is only represented from its frontal plane, it is slowly rotating on its own axis, thus creating an inverted perspective effect. Here we are faced with the dilemma of seeing in its correct form or the negative of it. The duality of the human being.

This version of the high resolution 4K, made specific to Sedition, has been made entirely with Touchdesigner.


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