It's Not 2022

This artwork is from the “Those years and these days” series. View other artworks

Those years and these days is an evocative series of 51 unique iterations by Mark Titchner that take the viewer on an introspective journey through the years between 1973 and 2023. Inspired by the artist turning 50 himself, each piece carries a unique title such as It's Not 1973 or It's Not 1997, emphasizing the fluidity of time and our intrinsic desire to hold onto the past. The collection challenges us to release the years gone by and to awaken to the present moment, capturing the essence of human experience as we navigate through the ebb and flow of our ever-changing lives.

Titchner's work references On Kawara's Today series, wherein each painting states the date it was created. This concept is melded with the influence of René Magritte's The Treachery of Images (1929), famous for its declaration "Ceci n'est pas une pipe," or in English, "This is not a pipe." The resulting fusion prompts a reevaluation of our perceptions of time and memory, and powerfully evokes the passage of time.

With Those years and these days, the artist prompts an emotional catharsis, allowing the viewer to confront their attachment to bygone days and to appreciate the beauty of our transient existence. This collection acts as a poignant reminder that while time continues to move forward, it's our memories and experiences that ultimately shape our perception of the past.

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