Simple Harmonic Motion #5

Memo Akten’s Simple Harmonic Motion works are part of an ongoing research series investigating complexity through simplicity: to explore the nature of complex patterns created from the interaction of simple multilayered rhythms. Custom software creates a number of ‘agents’ who are assigned a simple behaviour - a repetitive pattern of movement and sound. On its own, each agent is monotonous and mechanical. However, in combination with other agents, the interaction of the various parts creates an encompassing audiovisual experience. Akten drew inspiration for the project when exploring the motion of pendulums and other fundamental oscillatory phenomena that exhibit simple harmonic motion. In addition, drew on the works of Norman Mclaren, John Whitney, Steve Reich, John Cage, Gyorgi Ligeti, Edgar Varese and Brian Eno.

Simple Harmonic Motion continually evolves and takes shape in various media, ranging from video to sound installation. The digital output has been created exclusively for Sedition. Akten: “By abstracting, emphasising and amplifying the beautiful complex patterns created from the interaction of simple harmonic motion at different frequencies, the project aims to share the enthusiasm, excitement and fascination I personally feel from such observations. (I) ultimately hope to encourage and inspire others to look at the world around them in more detail, with a more interrogatory approach; most importantly learning to find fascination in what they normally would not even have looked at.”


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