Michael J. Saul is an accomplished filmmaker with over three decades of experience in the film industry. He is known for his innovative and thought-provoking films which explore complex themes such as sexual identity, and relationships.

Saul's work is critically acclaimed and has garnered numerous awards and accolades. He is particularly known for his groundbreaking feature film THE SURFACE (2015) which explores the complexities of human relationships and creating family.

Since 2013 Saul has been working in the Immersive 360° world as director and lead animator for James Hood’s feature projects MESMERICA and BEAUTIFICA, now playing in domes around the US.

In addition to his work as a filmmaker, Saul is also an advocate for social justice and equality. He has used his platform to raise awareness about important issues such as LGBTQ rights, HIV/AIDS awareness, and the need for greater representation and diversity in the film industry.

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