Ezzam Rahman is an art educator, multi-disciplinary installation and performance artist based in Singapore. Ezzam is known for his interest in the body and his use of common, easily accessible and unconventional materials to produce works. Through his work, Ezzam features narratives that challenges and expands the notions of identity politics, the inherent paradoxes of presence and marginality. Most of his works are time-based ephemera that aim to pique the viewer’s thoughts on the topic of impermanence, trace and abjection. Ezzam was awarded a joint winner of the Grand Prize for the President's Young Talents 2015 and the People's Choice Award by the Singapore Art Museum. In 2016, Ezzam was awarded the Goh Chok Tong Youth Promise Award by Yayasan Mendaki and the prestigious Young Artist Award by the National Arts Council, Singapore.

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