Stefan Mattessich

Santa Monica
STEFAN MATTESSICH is an academic who has taught at different universities around the world. Educated at Yale and UC Santa Cruz, he has written a wide variety of cultural criticism including a monograph on the fiction of Thomas Pynchon entitled Lines of Flight, published in the Post-Contemporary Series at Duke University Press. His essays have appeared in such venues as differences, Theory & Event; Event, Postmodern Culture, ELH, New Literary History, Angelaki, and Modern Language Notes. He has also published two novels: Point Guard, a young adult story set on the Northern California coast of Mendocino; and East Brother, a satire about gentrification in a fictional California beach town. Later this year he will be publishing another novel, A Precarious Man, about the search for love and belonging in neoliberal times, to be issued by a new literary press, Atopon Books. He currently teaches English at Santa Monica College and lives in Los Angeles.