Ryan Buyssens was born and raised near Detroit, MI; an environment that imparted upon him a rich, lifelong influence from the automotive industry’s mechanized culture. An artist in the broadest sense of the word, he expresses his ideas through countless media. Preferring to explore the “what if” in the evolution of technology, he seeks out a departure from the logical path of invention and uses it as a branch that sprouts new possibilities. His work becomes a comment on logic and progress. Education: MFA in Sculpture from Cranbrook Academy of Art. Awards: North Carolina Artist fellowship for 2012/2013. Recent Exhibitions: 3D Printshow Paris - Carrousel du Louvre, Paris; Kinetica Art Fair, London; Intertropes and Ornithopters by Ryan Buyssens - World Maker Faire, NYC; Kingdom - Manifest Gallery, OH; Art+Tech - Foster Gallery, WI

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