Wade Marynowsky

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Hot Chips

In a humorous wink towards Eadweard Muybridge, 'Hot Chips' is a study of seagulls in flight, and in fight for hot chips. The work turns a famous past time (which can quickly become a nuisance), into poetry in motion. Allowing us to see the beauty in everyday moments. It does so, by freeze framing time, with every movement made available to be absorbed and contemplated. Adding to the beauty of the work, it was shot early morning, under the winters light, sunrise at Clovelly Beach, Sydney, 2013. The available work is a extract of the collaborative work 'Fish and Chips' made with artist Michael Candy and Commissioned by Campbelltown Arts Centre for ISEA2013. In the installation version a robot, designed by Candy and Marynowsky, catapults the hot chips into the air for the competing Seagulls, a kind of absurd chip dispensing machine.


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