Wade Marynowsky

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Synthesiser-Robot, 2017.

Synthesiser-Robot, 2017, UR3 robotic arm, Ableton Push, Mac mini, speakers, audio, custom stand, installation and duration variable. This version is 7:30mins in duration.

This work was originally exhibited in the Algorithmic Pareidolia, solo exhibition at the Incinerator Art Space, Willoughby, Sydney, 2017. Algorithmic Pareidolia featured a series of experimental video, installation and robotic artworks that explore how our understanding of reality is increasingly simulated and automated.

Synthesiser-Robot is an automated and synthesised composition for robotic arm and human-computer musical interface. Synth-Bot has shown that dance-like movement and gestural behaviours can expand the meaning of robotic musical gesture. In this work Marynowsky foresees that in the very near future we will pay money to see robotic bands and AI musicians.

Additional sound by Julian Knowles, Camera by Marcus Eckermann, Edit by Michael Baber. Made with support from Macquarie University.


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