Visionary Flowers

"Visionary Flowers" is an animated short from "Misread Signs" series created specifically for the release on Sedition. All visuals are hand painted and then animated on the computer.
Through her work, Lanina examines the relationship between absurdity, sexuality, and trauma with a particular focus on physical and psychic reconstruction through reassembling disparate parts.
Playful and quirky on the exterior, her work uses whimsy as a device to draw closer inspection, leading to greater awareness and introspection among viewers. Once engaged, the viewer often finds evocations of the dark matter that is the underbelly of human existence, striking a primordial balance.The Surrealist and Dada approach inspires her images with the subconscious taking the lead, leaving analytical thinking behind and embracing the nonsensical and surprising.
"Visionary Flowers" explores the state of perpetual unrest, of our desire to see and be seen.
The animation is meant to be played on a loop. Blackout is for display purpose only.

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