Digital Abstraction #01

Digital Abstraction is a series of videos exploring virtual randomness. Physical drawings are processed in after effects until they’re no longer recognizable.

Using displacement maps, the darker and lighter parts of the drawing are translated into grids and patterns, which are automatically set by the program. The process is partially controlled and partially random.

Digital Abstraction #01 is a new artwork by Alessandro Niro released on Sedition as part of Fabrica Frame. Fabrica Frame is a new collection of digital artworks created by artists taking part in the Fabrica Residency at Fabrica, the research centre set up in Treviso, Italy following the vision of Luciano Benetton and Oliviero Toscani. The launch marks the beginning of a new collaboration between Fabrica and Sedition.

The collection features eight screen-based still and video works by artists working at Fabrica, showcasing a selection of exciting works by emerging interdisciplinary artists and researchers. The featured artists are Alessandro Niro, Diego Gil De Biedma, Guilherme Vieira, Harry Grundy, Lara Lussheimer, Madalena Silva Carlos, Sarah Elawad and Zhang Zhan.

Only 5 left at $27. Next price $29.

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