Carla Gannis: A Subject Self-Defined

Carla Gannis: A Subject Self-Defined

Until 30 May, Carla Gannis presents a solo exhibition in a public-facing window space in Caen, Normandy, France. 

The solo show, titled A Subject Self-Defined, takes place at Musee Dehors, a series of exhibitions in public spaces organised by L’Unique, the centre for contemporary public art in Caen. 

Originally planned to end at the end of April, the exhibition has been extended to coincide with the reduction of the lockdown. Throughout the exhibition one artwork per week by Gannis is featured each week in the window exhibition at 4 rue de la caponiere. 

The works in the exhibition are part of Gannis’ ongoing body of work which centres around the selfie; the artist incorporates her own body into digital artworks and explores how the self is defined in the age of smart devices. 

A Subject Self-Defined has previously exhibited at Transfer Gallery in New York and is also linked to Gannis’ acclaimed and prize-winning Selfie Drawings project, “a serialized augmented reality “book object” in collaboration with UNBOX’s #BehindTheFace project and Blippar AR technologies.” 

Mentioned artists
Carla Gannis
Carla Gannis
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