Obinna Okerekeocha

Obinna Okerekeocha is a trained professional artist from the famed Nsukka School, University of Nigeria, specializing in painting. He kicked off his career in advertising as an art director where he worked in 2 top advertising agencies before foraying into TV broadcasting as a broadcast designer. At the moment, he is the creative director of REDTV, a foremost online TV platform powered by UBA (United Bank for Africa). Obinna is an avid storyteller, filmmaker, digital designer, video artist, sound designer, composer and musician. He has developed a modern style of creating engaging visual narratives using the powerful medium of Video and Audio. To this end he has exhibited twice with The Rele Gallery, a burgeoning contemporary art gallery based ion Lagos - The first exhibition was themed Tech meets Art - 2015 & the second themed IN-TER-ACTIONS - 2018. The application and utilisation of video as a medium to communicate an idea has transcended the usual use of video as a way of merely interpreting what has been captured. This style and approach is one that is fast becoming a global phenomenon. This very much includes Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). Obinna is constantly seeking ways to marry the astounding virtues of technology with the multi-dimensionality of Art.

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