Silvio Severino is a contemporary photographer, collage, gif artista . and filmmaker He works in both analog and digital formats, which puts him in a unique creative position, whereby he can cross and recross the traditional and the contemporary. Silvio is searching for new values, new visual languages that will allow him to incorporate photography, collage, and animation in new formats. With Silvio and his work, photography often becomes collage, with collage often becoming animated gif. It is an exciting new frontier in contemporary art for which this artist is at the forefront. This is an artist that understands the technology of gifs, glitches, and loops, the bedrock of contemporary gif animation and video art. He finds himself in an enviable position whereby he can use these technologies to expand his work. Silvio is interested in exploring a range of contemporary issues through both collage and gif animation. From nature and the urban, to consumerism and the idealisation of beauty and sexuality, from art versus capitalism, to the banality of publicity and celebrity. Silvio was born and raised in Brazil, but has spent the last twenty years in Europe, he now lives in Cork , Ireland

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