Solimán López (Burgos, 1981, Spain), BA in Art history and Art and Communication Master, is media artist, department of I+D+i director in ESAT (Escuela Superior de Arte y Tecnología de Valencia) and Harddiskmuseum founder. His work has been shown in many countries such as Venezuela (I Bienal de Arte Emergente), Cuba (Festival de Camagüey), Nicaragua (CCE), Mexico (CCE), El Salvador (CCE), Argentina (MACBA – Buenos Aires, MAC – Bahía Blanca, Palacio Ferreyra – Córdoba, Timoteo Navarro – Tucumán), Sweden (SwitzerlandArtSpace), Pasadena and Chicaco (MIA Festival), Portugal (Au pie de la Montagne Show) or Greece (Create an Accident) and museums such as CAC of Málaga, IVAM of Valencia (Tecnometrías and Sustratos exhibition), Matadero Madrid, Museo Centro del Carmen (Valencia), Centro Cibeles (Madrid), I-CAS (Sevilla), Arts Santa Monica, Etopia: Center for Art and Technology or fairs sucha as ARCO Madrid, JustMad or ArtMadrid in Spain, or Point Ephémère and Mi*Galerie in Paris. Currently is preparing next solo show in Scan Room (London), and his participation in collectives exhibitions such as Intervalos (Cigarreras, Alicante. Spain), My World (Matadero Madrid) and Open Codes in ZKM (Karlsruhe, Germany).

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