Spartak Dulic

Subotica, Province of Vojvodina, Serbia

inst. R- 4... aaaa/ 2006

installations 2002- 2009 (full text/story on the website)

THE TIME, PRESENT; the event takes place in an invisible paraworld...with the first step into the interspace, my horizon also changed; it was clear to me that the rhythm of the breathing as well as the whole view of "the creature", which I decided to call "IT", changes with the arrhythmic and unnatural motion ( with regard to the everyday life).- while "It" was checking my psychophysical and motorical abilities, I was repeating to myself: "It's nothing wrong with me, it's nothing wrong with me"!!I'm inside, and the point of view is cons.changable.having taken a quiet and peaceful position after a few uncertain steps, some clear answers went through my minds: "There won't be any and they are not ultimately true."- the instinct took over, the steps were not counted any more, the acceleration was increasing and increasing, from the plastic motion (which leaves the scars), to the elastic ones.I was gliding through the lines of magnetic force, the elastic has changed its physical condition and disintegrated me into "SOMETHING"in microtime, it and something have become "ONE" (the theme with 3D effects and action)at the end of the beginning I integrated myself, although some microparts stayed in "it". Transitially teleported, convinced that nothing is wrong with me, probably with the differently organized inner architecture I continued to glide among the first sentences of some other- complicated;


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