Charlotte Colbert is a Franco/British artist and filmmaker who lives and works in London. She is best known for her surreal and dark imagery. Her work has been likened to the surreal  work of Toomer, Breton and Dali (Phaeton),described as “surreal and delicate” and "a gateway  into dreams"(Huffington Post),an “exploration of the human mind” (Vogue)and as “existing in  that space dreams and nightmares” (Las Ultimas Notices).

Colbert’s artistic work is strongly anchored within the language of film and storytelling. Her pictures are mostly conceived as a series, a sequence developed in script format before being shot. More recently she has developed large-scale cortene metal sculptures displaying moving image. Her work has strong philosophical undertones, and often plays on questions of time, space and identity. "Richly evocative and cinematic, her black-and-white work delves into interior experiences of the mind. She explores the inner and outer spaces our minds occupy and transform, either by fear or fantasy. The subjects of isolation, the self and gender also drive her imagination." Ultravie