John Rechin

Hilton Head Island, South Caroliona, United States
While photographing at age 21, working very slowly with a field camera, the experience I had, it is difficult to find the right words to describe it. Everything was absolutely as it should have been, and time seemed to slow, or even stop. I felt right, in thought and action, as if it was meant to be, fixed and unchangeable. Every exploration thru the camera since is an-attempt to re-capture that experience. I have learned that prior to the release of shutters and the processing of images; inspired things can be perceived and discerned in that quiet solitude. I want to understand how we recognize, and how we are touched by the natural world. And I am trying to offer a quiet space that will arouse the emotions I felt at the time of creation. I hope that inner peace, quiet, and lack of concern for specific results will lead into a place of gratitude and balance, that will allow for the participation of grace. It is my belief that the earth in all its manifestations contains a glimpse of the mystical. Long exposures encode an element of time into the image, capturing a series of moments, compressing time, moving the image towards the sublime. When an image of quality is created, I know it. At those times I find my reverence for creation that is difficult to express with words. I was born in Northeastern Ohio in 1969. I attended the Savannah College or Art and Design from 1988 – 1991. Since 1999 Hilton Head, South Carolina has been my home.

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