J. F. Bautista. With an architecture, art, microcomputers and microprocessors background from the Central University School of Architecture and Urban Planning in Ecuador and Washington DC., J. F. Bautista adds broad valuable international design experience to the organization. As a full-time designer using Building Information Modeling (BIM) tools, he combines his experienced technical, artistic and computer skills with an eye in the quality of the aesthetics of building envelops and initial/conceptual design intent from the global picture down to the detail. J. F. Bautista has previously worked on master planning, residential, assembly, industrial, educational, health care, commercial, storage and Military projects in USA, Germany, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Italy, Romania, Belgium, The Netherlands, Iraq, El Salvador, Colombia, Jamaica and more. Recently he participated in the Metro photo challenge and was selected as a local daily winner in the "Urban Escape Category". He also has several publications of Art, Architecture & Photography books. When not in the office, J. F. Bautista regularly enjoys producing digital art work, architectural model making and photography. Active artist of the Long Island City Artists, Long Island City, New York. ...Born by accident...Dedicated to study... Forced to work!