jane camellia sarkar

Jane Sarkar is a British born artist. Trained at Manchester School of Art, she specialised in painting. Since the 1980s she collaborated with various artists, was a founder of MASA, before following an extensive career in the luxury fashion industry. Within the current works of MINDMADE, Jane uses the intimacy and immediacy of photography to investigate beneath the physicality of Nature. Her observations aim to discover how the subtle technologies in flora can prepare survival strategies for climate adaptation to evolve for an uncertain future. After the initial photograph, Jane applies digital painting as an exploratory visual tool on the second part of the creative process, the soul. Here the artistic journey becomes intuitive and is thus very unpredictable, but it will eventually arrive to become expressions of new messages and concepts, a language between human and plants - an invisible, unspoken, “mind language”. Previous work includes: SENSELESS, BIOFASHION, IN THE MINDS EYE Time journey embracing difference and societal change in ancient and modern worlds EVENTS Open the Worldrobe, 1.Treasure Box 19.8.6 Manchester City Art Galleries, Off the Rails EXHIBITIONS Camden Works Museum . Bath . Artist of the Month . Cardiff National Museum . Salford Gallery . Permanent Collection - Gallery of English Costume . Residency . Gallery of English Costume .COLLABORATIONS The Dreaming (Hopwood) . We read the papers too (Ryan) . Manchester Contemporary Ballet

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