Mark A. Zuniga is a photographer and filmmaker. Born in 1983, Mark grew up on the roads of Texas, following his family and staying in any town his father could find work. Countless hours in vehicles, motels, and strange beds left him to spend a lot of time aware of his transience, deconstructing objects and people to discover why they are the way they are. His work is shaped by those fleeting moments that pass us by and the strangers that leave an impression; he is always in pursuit of understanding the world or just another human being. Mark acquired a BFA in Film and Animation production from Rochester Institute of Technology with further film studies and productions in Paris, France and New York, New York. After some globe trotting, he has settled down in San Antonio, Texas to continue his work. Mark's work has exhibited widely by various hosts, including Magmart International Screening in Naples, Italy; isfth Foundation Selection in The Hague, Netherlands; ImageMovementSound in Rochester, NY; and VisualContainer in Milan, Italy.

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