Born in the summer of 89, Tehran, Iran, I moved to Ankara, Turkey in 2008 to study fine arts. My genuine work has begun in 2013, generating ideas & developing projects in different mediums depending on how they'd better depict the thought, whether it's writing, painting, videos, or animated images. After living in different parts of Turkey for eight years, studying at university, working as a designer and editor, and practicing art in different mediums as an independent artist, I’m now living as an artist in residence in different countries for longer periods, & traveling around for most of the year; creativity dawns as I move along with the road. True life events inspire me the most. I preserve experiences and recreate reality in a rather unreliable way, which provides me with a suitable platform for expressing my observations, opinions, understandings, and emotions. My practices aim to generate a warm comforting impression of humans’ hard, painful, and complex life. I document ordinary matters, insignificant moments, coincidences & random incidents to remark on their patterns, to find out the correlation & their hidden meanings once put in the perspective of time. My visual work revolves around desolate scenes and everyday matters, slightly out of the ordinary with essential attention to detail. My writings are contemporary memoirs, a mixture of real-life experiences with the world of thoughts and dreams; a twist of sense of humor is an inseparable part of my work.

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