Slow Art Asia: Waterfall Gallery

Slow Art Asia: Waterfall Gallery

In a recent group exhibition at Waterfall Gallery in New York City, Krista Kim presented her Continuum project, a collaboration with Efrén Mur and Ligovskoï. Digital editions from Continuum are available on Sedition.

Slow Art Asia 2020 ran from 8 February to 29 August and was presented alongside Asian Art Week. The exhibition celebrates work made by upcoming and outstanding Asian artists. The exhibition is designed following the slow art movement, which seeks to build deeper connections with artworks by encouraging visitors to spend at least ten minutes with each artwork.

The artists exhibiting in Slow Art Asia were Chae Eunmi, Hiroko Otake, Jae Yong Kim, Jinwon Chang, Krista Kim, Lee Jin Woo, Lee Seung Hee, Makoto Fujimura, Shi Guorui, Sun K. Kwak and Sungchul Hong. The featured artists are skilled in a range of laborious and complex making techniques and work with a range of media. As part of the slow art approach, visitors are invited “to listen to the process behind each work and discuss their experiences and perceptions in order to dissect and unfold the invisible layers of time, process, and histories of each work.” (Waterfall Gallery).

Kim’s work, Continuum, was made in collaboration with video artist Efrén Mur and electronic music band Ligovskoï. The work seeks “to present a vision of meditativeness and digital beauty to collective consciousness” (Krista Kim); it is a reflective and creative response to the restrictions and trauma of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Kim has released work on Sedition in connection with the Continuum project. Digital editions of Continuum Remix v.1 , which launched as part of the Digital Decade SE 2020 collection curated by Designcollector Network, are available on Sedition currently. A second artwork, Continuum Remix v.2, launches on 7 October.

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Krista Kim
Krista Kim
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